Drawn Together
Reality TV? You would have to be living under a rock to not know about this phenomenom that has infested our television sets and society today. Not only can you watch reality TV on every station, now you can watch it on DVD.
Comedy Central has released their animated version of reality TV in Drawn Toge...
Sep 27, 2005
by Anonymous
Ren & Stimpy 5!
Happy, Happy, Joy, Joy is all I have to say and all I can really say. Ren & Stimpy final 17 episodes are out on dvd today, in there season 5 set.
I also found this link on filter-mag.com to enter for a free season 5 set.
Sep 27, 2005
by Anonymous
Don Hertzfeldt Retrospective in Rochester
Rochester's George Eastman House is bringing in animator Don Hertzfeldt in September! Don has a huge fan base, due to his hilarious stick figure styled cartoons like "Billy's Balloon" and "Rejected."
SEPTEMBER 24 SAT. 8 p.m.
Don Hertzfeldt in person! A Bitter Films Retrospective
Webmaster Mike
The Bunny Remakes in Rochester
See "Movies in 30 Seconds" creator Jennifer Shiman at the Eastman House! Here are the details from http://eastmanhouse.org/calendar
The Bunny Remakes
(running time approx. 90 min.)
Friday, August 26, 2005
8:00 PM
In 2003, flash animator Jennifer Shiman created a 30-second rema...
Webmaster Mike
Ren & Stimpy DVD
Hey guys!! I just found out Ren and Stimpy have a new DVD coming out June 28th!! Theyre calling it Season 3 and a Halfish. Im so excited!! My friend and I ran across this ecard, http://www.filter-mag.com/ren_stimpy/ . Its pretty clever. What do yall think??
Jun 23, 2005
by Anonymous
Wallace & Gromit Movie
Webmaster Mike
Appleseed the Movie
Appleseed the Movie is now playing in select cities. See the complete list HERE.
No Rochester yet, but it may be coming to the Little eventually. They've been good about screening anime like Cowboy Bebop and Ghost in the Shell.
I'm not to familiar with the Appleseed series, so I don't know whe...
Webmaster Mike
The Animation Show 2005 line-up
I loved the Animation Show last year: new stuff from Don Hertzfeldt, old stuff from Mike Judge, plus great festival pieces and weird flotsam & jetsam.
This year's program can be viewed here: http://www.animationshow.com/schedule_05.html
I've actually seen 4 of the 12 shorts listed, bu...
Webmaster Mike
Music for animation films
Hi all
I'm a composer and I can make music for your next animation film.
Listen to my demos here: www.sonicdaze.com
Take a special look to Dr. Caligari's ofice, a 1920 silent movie clip, not so silent any more.
More recently, I've scored an upcoming space shooting indie game. This ar...
Joćo Camacho
Nov 10, 2004
by Joćo Camacho
Ren & Stimpy DVD!!!
Hey you eediots! The Ren & Stimpy DVD came out today!
Plus I found this cool e-card... Happy Happy Joy Joy...
Oct 12, 2004
by sncredcer
What does everyone think about the new Justice League Unlimited series on Cartoon Network?
Steve Anne
Sep 13, 2004
by Webmaster Mike
Upcoming Shows - Clone Wars part 2
Episodes 11-20 of Star Wars Clone Wars begin airing March 20 on Cartoon Network. In addition to continuing the storyline begun in the fall, new episodes will feature Mace Windu and Yoda. A robot warrior named General Grievous will be introduced, who will later appear in the thea...
Martin Prince
Jun 12, 2004
by Martin Prince
Delgo's Digital Dailies
The May ish of Animation Magazine has an article on the independent CGI feature, Delgo, from Fathom Studios. What's fascinating to me is the fact that they're putting up dailies of their animation for everyone to see on their website.
I'm impressed that they manage to put so much time...
Martin Prince
May 18, 2004
by Martin Prince
Van Helsing DTV Cartoon
Riddick isn't the only action movie with a cartoon tie-in. Hugh Jackman will lend his voice to this direct to video Van Helsing movie. Price will probably be $14.98.
From http://www.dvdtoons.com/news/503:
Van Helsing: The London Assignment February 03, 2004 (08:01pm) Report...
Holy Cow
May 18, 2004
by Webmaster Mike
Peter Chung's "Chronicles of Riddick"
Not only does the movie look to be a fun cross between Aliens, Dune, and Conan, but there's going to be a direct to video cartoon release, too.
From http://www.dvdtoons.com/news/531:
The Chronicles of Riddick: Dark Fury March 06, 2004 (12:18pm) Reported by: Anthony
Extend The Chronicles Of...
Holy Cow